Melbourne Coil Centre

Strang Systems state-of-the-art metal products facility offers importers and exporters of metal products services including containerization and deconsolidation, storage and distribution for their valuable products.

Our location 808 Lorimer Street, Port Melbourne

Contact our Melbourne Head Office on +61 3 9329 6111 for further details


1,175m2 undercover storage space
40,000m2 uncovered yard space

32mt Kalmar Forklift
2 x 16mt Hyster Forklifts
12mt Hyster Forklifts
3 x modified 7mt Hyster Forklifts
2 x Long-nose extensions for coil
Long-nose extension for flat / long products

EPS Molding Facilities
Block molding to a size fo 2320mm x 1220mm x 625mm
CNC cutting technology
Regrinding attachment for recycling

New Zealand EPS Supply

Strang Systems has an expanded polystyrene block molding facility located in Tauranga, New Zealand. Our CNC cutting technology means that we can design and cut EPS to any size or shape you require — from thin panels required for home insulation, to geometric patterns for intricate displays. All Strang EPS is flame retardent and HBCD (hexabromocyclododecane) free.

Our location 5 Maru Street, Mount Maunganui

Contact our Meagan Swainson at our New Zealand Office on +64 7 575 7705 for further details


EPS Molding Facilities
Block molding to a maximum size of 2320mm x 1300mm x 800mm
CNC cutting technology
Will accept EPS scrap for recycling